Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NoteSlate, The Tablet that does what a tablet is supposed to do.

NoteSlate, The Tablet that does what a tablet is supposed to do.

Okay, I’m not going to take any credit for this find. My friend, and streamer, Chris, showed this to me last night and so far it seems like something I would waste money on. And I would use it too.
What I’m talking about is the Noteslate, a new tablet that’s due out in June, and has its gimmick of being a simple tablet. That’s what I like about it. It’s a tablet that you draw on electronically on, plays MP3s (As every mobile device should do nowadays) and you can transfer your doodles, your notes, or whatever the heck you do on it over to your machine for further editing.  The real draw for me happens to be not only how simple it is, but the colors. Seriously. Look how awesome that is.

And all for, wait for it, 99USD! For me, I will consider buying it after the Second Generation, which will have PDF viewing, and hopefully a good userbase to develop Firmwares to do who knows what with it. For more information, go to

And if anyone would like to donate me one Tell me how they like it, or if it’s a must buy, please leave a comment!


  1. It's nice, but not very useful.

  2. True, but i don't really have a use for those fancy Smancy gadgets like the ipad and Iphone. Hopefully one day this can help Remove paper from the equation, and we won't have to cut down as many trees as we do now!
